Projector vs TV for outdoor movie nights

March 18, 2022

Lights, Camera, Compare!

Summer is just around the corner, and what's better than hosting outdoor movie nights with family and friends? But, as with every good plan, the big question arises: should you go with a projector or a TV?

We understand it can be a puzzling decision to make so we've made a comparison between the two technologies to help you make the best choice for your outdoor movie night.

Picture Quality

When it comes to outdoor movie nights, picture quality is crucial. Projectors have come a long way and now offer high definition, bright and vivid images for a large screen. On the other hand, TVs have better picture quality, exceptional contrast, and deeper blacks, making them perfect for indoors.

According to Brightness Guide, the average brightness range for an outdoor projector should be around 2,500 to 5,000 lumens to compete with natural light. Additionally, TVs with an anti-glare screen can provide a much clearer picture during outdoor screenings, compared to a projector.

Winner - It's a close call, but based on brightness, TVs take the win.

Screen Size

The advantage of using a projector is that you can create a large screen area anytime, anywhere; from projecting on a side of a building to a white-painted wall. So depending on your space, a projector can offer a screen size of approximately 150 inches or more.

On the other hand, a television has a fixed screen size that does offer a large picture, but nothing compared to the vastness of a projected image.

Winner - Projector, hands down.

Installation and portability

Setting up a projector can be time-consuming as you need a projection screen and a sound system to experience the best viewing. Moreover, projectors need to be set at just the right angle and often require adjustments for better picture quality.

Setting up a TV is simpler; all you need is a flat surface to place it on, and you're good to go. Additionally, TVs with built-in speakers provide sufficient sound quality in comparison to projectors, eliminating the need for separate sound equipment.

But, when it comes to portability, projectors are far more versatile than TVs.

Winner - It's a tie! Both have their advantages and disadvantages.


Projectors have become more affordable over the years, but they still require a higher initial investment than a TV. A good quality projector costs around $500 to $800, while TVs with similar picture quality can be bought between $300 to $500.

Winner - TV.


In conclusion, both projectors and TVs have their advantages and disadvantages for an outdoor movie night. It comes down to personal preference and budget.

If you're looking for a cost-effective solution, a TV would be the best option. But if you want to create a unique cinema experience under the stars with the biggest screen possible, a projector is the way to go.

Ultimately, it's up to you to decide based on your needs and budget.


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